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Caution sensitive topic
3 JULY 2023
Life is not something to waste. It’s truly precious. That’s why death is such a great teacher. It is death that makes life precious… How precious would life be if there was no such thing as death? You’d waste every second of it because you’d figure you’d always have it. It is scarcity that makes things precious.
Michael Singer - from The Untethered Soul : Contemplating Death
At the weekend it turned THE FIRST OF JULY.
We hit the halfway mark for 2023.
Milestones like this remind me how time can slip away. How a week or month can be gone without us seemingly noticing. Like it just somehow mysteriously vanished.
Milestones like this remind me of the preciousness of life. They remind me to put a conscious effort each day into appreciating more moments. Not necessarily getting more done, or achieving more, but being more present and experiencing life more fully.
You've likely heard the saying, “I’m here for a good time, not a long time”?
At first glance, it has a feeling of irresponsibility. But “a good time” doesn’t necessarily mean partying every day, living on the edge, and doing crazy stuff (as fun as those things can sometimes be). Reflect on what “a good time” actually means to you. Is a “good time” feeling fulfilled and that life is meaningful, feeling appreciative in each moment, having harmonious relationships, being creative and productive?
“Not a long time” - let’s think about those words. We are all acutely aware of how fast time goes! Each year, year by year, time appears to speed up. This perception of time flying by is a hot topic of conversation.
Earth has been here for 4.5 billion years.
We are limited to roughly an 80 year period here, if we’re lucky.
We are here for a micro-moment of all of the eons of time. Our time here is a tiny blip in all of the existence of life on planet earth.
Really, truly contemplating this fact puts your worries, frustrations, and fears into proportion.
You can ask yourself,
How much of my microscopic moment here will be an exciting adventure, and how much of it will be a burden?
If you’re only here for a short moment and, coupled with that, time is speeding by, isn’t it paramount that you take a look at what you’re doing with your precious time?
Although we know we are mortal beings, we live our life as though we will be here forever.
How many of your precious, precious days here are wasted lost in a mind that is assailed by negative, stressful, unproductive, or downright destructive thoughts?
Thinking of death brings into perspective the impermanence of life and the insignificance of so many of the things we give our mental energy to.
Thinking of death need not be morbid, the idea of contemplating death can be utterly liberating.
The exercise below is a way to keep a visual reminder close by to help you reflect on the preciousness of life each day and each week.
Download and print the Life Grid Worksheet above.
The Life Grid represents a 90 year life - for the purposes of this exercise, let’s say you're lucky enough to get 90 years here on planet earth.
Each square of the grid represents a week of your life.
Each line represents a year.
Colour in the weeks that you have already lived up until your age now.
Place this grid somewhere you'll see it often.
Each week, colour in the week that has just gone by.
Ask yourself, “How am I spending this week?”.
But more significantly, “How am I experiencing this week?”
You may not be able to control the things you are doing and the experiences you have, but you SURE CAN control how you use your mind.
What thoughts will you allow your mind to dwell on this week?
Remember that the focus of this exercise is more about being rather than doing.
It’s about how you are experiencing life, rather than what you are doing and what is happening around you.
Paradoxically, the more present and aware you are in the moment, the less time you spend lost in thought about the past and the future, and as a result, the more focused, productive and creative you will be, and the more you will be able to do and achieve.
Think about your concerns and worries and fears. Think about the things that trigger you or make you angry. How much of that can you let go of? This doesn't mean you become a push over. It means, when you become more aware of the preciousness of life, you will more carefully scrutinise what is worth giving your attention and energy to.
Whether this exercise is a positive or a negative experience really is up to you. Only you can control whether you find this a motivating and inspiring exercise, or a deflating one.
If the life you've coloured in so far brings up regrets or disappointments, that's OK and it's normal. You will not be alone in these feelings.
Celebrate this - it's far better to face your past regrets now and make positive changes, than to realise these regrets in another 10 years, or worse still, in your final days.
The only worthwhile reason there is to ever look back on life is to gain insights to learn from. Everything you've lived so far has brought you to the point you are now.
Learn to live as though you are facing death at all times, and you’ll be bolder and more open. If you live life fully, you won’t have any last wishes. You will have lived them every moment.
Until next week ...
Nadine 🤸♀️
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Hi, I'm Nadine.
A girl on a mission to conquer my mind, and help others conquer theirs.
Since I first worked with mental coaches through elite sport at age 14, I've been somewhat obsessed (ok a lot obsessed) with the power of the mind. If top athletes, business people and military personnel train their minds to cope and thrive in high pressure situations, wouldn't we all massively benefit from learning proven mental skills? Couldn't applying these skills help us rise above stress and adversity, feel happier and excel in our lives? I believe the answer to these questions is YES! PEPTALK is where I share mind conquering strategies in creative & engaging ways to help both myself and others live their best life!
Be engaged with visually appealing, bite-sized and interactive content. Sitting down to read PEPTALK magazine is an act of wellbeing in and of itself. Print allows you to be undistracted by notifications, beeps and bings of devices... what you're learning is an awesome bonus!
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